Sunday, February 17, 2013

Joins the conversing about fixing agency compensation

In Ad Age in recent times, TBWA Chairman, Jean jessica Dru, Adds his voice to the growing chorus of folks that are eager to have a conversation about the future of ad agency compensation. It should change. Ad agencies have paid the cost of years of "Evident frivolity, But is not today, In the grip of a procurement procedure that has one ambition, Slashing cost, Creates a dead-last. Tips Jean Marie Dru:

"Lovely fashionable for everyone to blame "Purchase" With regards to their problems. It's any for others to off-Load the duty. The actual decision-Establishing, Nevertheless, Lies with CEOs and marketing and advertising directors. They're merely leaving the dirty work to purchase. Purchase execs are often given no other option than to squeeze for more so-Termed as efficiencies, Year in year out. In indicating the optimum, They are coming up with a death spiral, Making it impossible to attract and compensate the talents discovered deliver the value-Penning ideas our clients demand,

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In connection with this, Mister. Dru makes this declaration:

"When social media marketing companies6 agencies still bought media space, That i used to remind our clients of a forgotten truth. If the agency profit paid was 10% of the total social media marketing companies6 costs, The work generated by this 10% is what gave the value to the 100% invested. It was a good argument to fight too-Heavy revenue discount rates. Today institution-Fee talks and media-Rate conversations are separated. By since these two activities separately, Our clients have lost sight that the one actually multiplies the value of the other